Through a Different Lens

It’s Father’s Day in Australia. I wrote this to honour my larger-than-life dad, Chellie J. Sundram. He passed away twenty-seven years ago. My father loved gadgets. His home office had every gizmo and gadget he could lay his hands on – in duplicate. Two personal computers (when they were still relatively unusual in anyone’s office, home or otherwise), two photocopiers …

Art Classes in Perth

The Highs And Lows of Life. (warning this post contains references to dog poo)

  For most of my life, until I discovered visual art, I was a singer. Back in the 70s, when it was all peace and love and marching for social justice and Bob Dylan and Cat Stevens … my dream was to sing for the world and use my voice to inspire change.   My big sisters had a singing group, …

What are we Morphing into?

  MORPHING Meaning: “undergo or cause to undergo a gradual process of transformation.” ————————————————— When a guest walks into my home one of the first things they notice is the art. “Oh my! Did you paint THAT?!” And I shake my head and say,“No, that’s not one of mine.” They are looking at the painting above by Phil Doncon. Phil …

Malini Parker art classes Perth

Tipping the Balance in the Universe.

One of the chapters in the book I’m writing is called Life is Made of Small Good Things. It’s one of my favourite chapters, and one of my favourite chapter titles. I love the idea of small good things. It takes the pressure off having to experience very big good things 🙂 The thing is, at times like these, it’s tempting to …