Hello, I'm Malini. Here's where I share my stories of creativity and life's lessons.
I hope you find inspiration for your own journey!
Life is made up of Small Good Things.
I was driven to binge-read Alexander McCall-Smith wonderful series, The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, as a distraction from an extreme and sudden injury to my back.
Three Years On: How Coffee Saved Me.
There were days when I would stand in front of his photograph and plead with him. “WHY did you leave me?”
How I Tackled My (Ridiculous) Fear
Yvonne calmed me down and proceeded to give me some simple steps. She chuckled as I repeated them back to her so I would remember them.
5 Things I learned from my mum.
Mum was the champion of reframing before it was invented! She could always put a spin on something so that it became much better than it appeared.
A Hole in the Desert Sky
Four and a half thousand kilometres away, in Perth, Western Australia, the man who would become my husband a decade later was also a planet-nerd
Bitter with a Soft, Sweet Centre. 2016, You Surprised Me.
I come back to the present with a start and look at the empty seat beside me and that’s when I start crying into my coffee.
My Year of Burning Hands
“Would you mind swapping places with me? I’m feeling a bit scared about sitting on the edge!” she asked.
Why I’m So Much Like My Old Dog.
My little dog Layla is 14 years old. That’s 98 in human years. She’s partially blind, quite deaf and she often trips over nothing.
My Greatest Teacher.
Mum has Alzheimers now. I see her about once a week, and we have hilarious conversations. She never tires of observing.
Return to Love
This is my ‘month of letting go’. I have been letting go of a lot of things, physical and emotional.
The Three Kinds of Courage
“Don’t be afraid of your fears. They’re not there to scare you. They’re there to let you know that something is worth it.”
What I learned from Greg about Living as he was Dying.
I’m sitting in Greg’s chair looking out at the spectacular garden in my backyard … the garden that he never really got to experience.
It's called 5 Ways Your Creativity Might Save Your Life and you can get it by dropping your details in below. You'll also receive my updates on events and inspiring tales to help you live YOUR creative life!