Hello, I'm Malini. Here's where I share my stories of creativity and life's lessons.
I hope you find inspiration for your own journey!
My Top Five Regrets of 2015 🙂
Oh I tried and I tried. But I didn’t learn how to neatly *schedule my day*. (Or my week. Or my month. Or my year). I simply didn’t become of …
When You Go to Target, Always Remember Your Underwear.
Many, Many Amazing Things happened this year. Among the Many Amazing Things that happened was being interviewed a few times. Most recently, by Connie Solero of Dirty Footprints Studio in …
One day, when I was publicly humiliated.
You know when you’re all excited that you’ve made something and you want to share it? And you asked someone their opinion of your beautiful offering, the one you …
How to Win At Life
DISCLAIMER: I have the most non-competitive psyche you can imagine. I hate the idea that to win a game, the other side has to lose. I totally do not get …
Because I’m alive. And I can.
Spiders and snakes hold very little fear for me, but there are MANY other things I’m slightly terrified of: Falling asleep and snoring in public. Or worse still, drooling. Swimming …
SUCH Unlikely Places
“Courage is found in unlikely places.” -J.R.R. Tolkien This is the story of how I found my courage while I was taking shower. You probably know me as an artist. …
Hope Wins.
“The very least you can do in life is to figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it …
Anything Can Happen
I’m walking with bare feet on very soft cool grass. The sun feels warm and so, so bright, almost Australian. Except when I look up I see soaring snow-capped …
It’s a Dangerous Business
“Gandalf: Well, all good stories deserve embellishment. You’ll have a tale or two to tell of your own when you come back. Bilbo Baggins: … Can you promise that I …
Wrapped in Love
Twenty minutes. That’s all I had from when I put the phone down to when I had to be there. Blair was leaving his shop in twenty minutes and I …
A Letter to Greg on his Birthday
Gregory, How could I have guessed that as a young girl of twenty four, marrying Greg Parker would turn my little life into some kind of epic Drama-Sitcom-Musical-Circus?! Twenty-eight years …
In Pursuit of Awe
My Lovely Friend and I were having the beautiful kind of conversation that introverts like me live for, the mutual sharing that bypasses small talk and gets straight to the …
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