Hello, I'm Malini. Here's where I share my stories of creativity and life's lessons.
I hope you find inspiration for your own journey!

A Leaky Bathroom that Changed My Life

For the past few months, an unexpected plot twist in my story has been unfolding. Now, before you jump to any conclusions, no, I am NOT engaged to be married, …

Crashing into 2024 (quite literally).

It was Jan 2, 2024. I was in beautiful Albany, Western Australia, that stunning coastal town I go to replenish, rest, restore and write. It seemed a perfect way to …

We are not alone.

I have been thinking a lot about the role of art in everyday lives. My life is a little skewed on this perspective, given ‘arting’ is my profession! And also …

On Being the Architects of Our Own Delight

For me, July and August have been all about the intricate dance of creativity. I am devoting most of my waking hours to preparation for my October exhibition, and creating …

The Problem with Butterflies

Not long ago, one of my students brought me an unusual gift – a Monarch butterfly chrysalis. I was bewildered. I didn’t know that “raising butterflies” was a thing. But …

Did you have an ‘Aunty Betty’ too?

Two months ago, I lost someone precious. I’d like to tell you about her. When I was born, I was the youngest in the family by a LONG way. I …

Wobbly Legs and Covid Art

I’ve been hit. Finally. After two years of feeling ever so slightly superior that my less-than-robust body had managed to avoid the dreaded virus, I have been knocked over … …

The Queen of Shokakkou

For a very long time in my youth, I had a fantasy that I was conceived in Japan.  A brief sojourn in Japan in my early twenties for work introduced …

On International Women’s Day – here’s a message from my daughter, Mary

I often refer to my daughter Mary in my musings. Mary’s life has been an incredible journey that has taken her on “roads less travelled” in more ways than one. …

Could this be a Year of Renewal (or is that too hopeful?)

I picked Renewal as my theme for this year with some trepidation. What if I don’t feel renewed? What if my over-arching feeling at the end of 2022 can be …

The Best and Worst of 2021

In my head, I look like woman on the left. But really, who am I kidding? I’m definitely the-lady-in-the-dressing-gown-at-Coles. Besides, it would be exhausting to be walking around holding your …

A Year of Spaciousness

“And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been.” -Rainer Maria Rilke *** Every year, I pick a theme to help me navigate the bumps …


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