A Leaky Bathroom that Changed My Life

For the past few months, an unexpected plot twist in my story has been unfolding.

Now, before you jump to any conclusions, no, I am NOT engaged to be married, nor am I moving to Bali. I haven’t been diagnosed with a terminal disease. I haven’t adopted a dog, cat or human. And no, I’m definitely not retiring.

This plot twist in my life began with a leaking bathroom.

Fixing the leaking bathroom led to some major demolition work within my house. The process was a bit scary. Firstly, I didn’t like viewing the exposed underbelly of my home for an extended period. I was also afraid I might sleepily walk into a floorless bathroom one night and fall into the chasm. (It was only about a metre drop, so I wouldn’t exactly have plummeted to my death, but still… )

This situation went on for months, because I chose to sub-contact rather than hire a builder. I had to learn to be ok with the discomfort and to focus on the many blessings, like having my multi-skilled nephew, Nur, help with the renovations.

I channeled my creativity into a 3-D environment and learned a lot about bathroom design (and plumbing fixtures!). I learned about the colours that create a feeling of deep relaxation – colours that would suit walls and floors – rather than paintings. I made new friendships with the folk at the plumbing store. I discovered that not all plumbers are equal (if you’re in Perth, I highly recommend Dave of  Perth Plumbers). I now know that tiling is both an art and a science, which explains why there are a lot of dodgy tilers out there. Every day I counted my blessings that Nur was amazing at this work.

Renovating was scary, uncomfortable and rather annoying, but this was the result:

Image by Crib Creative

I’m a metaphor-aholic, so this process of breaking down to build up was a fabulous source of material for me – metaphors so powerful that I couldn’t ignore them. It took courage to tackle this leaky, tired and problematic bathroom that I had been ignoring for 7 years, to cope with the disarray and discombobulation of change, but the reward was stunning.

I asked myself what changes in my own life had I been ignoring, for fear of the mess and discomfort of Big Transitions?


For some time, even before The Bathroom Blitz, I’d been hearing internal whispers that my time in the hills of Perth was coming to an end. There were many reasons, a main one being yearning to be closer to Greg’s girls, who both live an hour away, near the coast.

For months, I basically ignored those whispers, waving them away with, “What? And leave my stunning studio? My sweet little cottage? Noooo……!!”

When intuitive nudges suggest things that seem hard or even preposterous, the internal dialogue tends to dissolve into an argument. And because these arguments are with myself, I simultaneously both win and lose them.


Anyway, that plot twist is now imminent. With the help of friends and family, my house and studio have been tidied, painted, de-cluttered and spruced up, ready to be found by some fortunate folk who will love it and be very happy here. This is the sweetest house I’ve ever lived in, and the outlook of seemingly endless forest is very, very beautiful. I have the best neighbours ever. And the studio I built has been the source of inspiration for hundreds of students and the place of creation of hundreds more paintings. It has housed three major exhibitions of mine. It feels strange to have lived somewhere that has been visited by quite literally, thousands of people.

Image by Crib Creative

There is creativity and happy juju in the walls, the gleaming jarrah floors, the birdsong and the trees, and yes, I am sad to leave this place that has been a blessing in my life. Seven years after I bought it, I’m stepping into the Great Unknown, for I don’t know yet where I’m moving to…

But it is now time to move on, cos I lost (or won!) an argument.

Wish me luck!

PS I will continue to teach and make art for many years to come, but my art workshops are on pause while I find my new home and my feet! Stay tuned.

PPS If you’re curious about my home, click here or the image below for a tour! If you’re in Perth, you’re welcome to come to the Home Open on Sat Aug 10th at 1-1.45pm. Contact Jonathan Clover of First National Real Estate Genesis if you’d like more information.

PPPS I always love hearing from you. Say hi below, wish me luck, or ask me anything!

Image by Crib Creative

Comments 19

  1. OMG I was really shocked to see you were leaving your bit of paradise in the hills…….must have been a very hard decision but listening to your intuition is the best thing anyone can ever do…..you are both brave and crazy.
    Good on you….look forward to hearing about your new venture……if I can help in anyway please ask, you have my admiration and prayers
    Lots of love

    1. Post

      Haha!!! That is such a great description: “both brave and crazy”!! I have a feeling I’m more the latter than the former 🙂 Thank you so much, Vicki, for the warm words and prayers, all so appreciated! xx

  2. Loved your blog! I particularly really like …”asked myself what changes in my own life had I been ignoring, for fear of the mess and discomfort of Big Transitions?”

    1. Post

      Thank you for highlighting that Yvonne, I think that’s been a really important question for me this year. Maybe it’s a universal question…

    1. Post
  3. Hey Malini, your posts always make me smile, even though there’s a hint of sadness outlining them. I’ve been an admirer of your sense of curiosity, humor and bravery. This decision must not have been easy but you took it none the less.
    I wish you well with all my heart and hope you carry on with your potential of unlocking doors and sometimes breaking doors through your work!
    It’s truly a transformative journey you take others on. And that’s what make you uniquely YOU.
    I’ll stay tuned…
    Love always ❤️

    1. Post

      Hello Neha dear, lovely to see you here! Thank you so much, that is so very kind of you. Joy and grief seem to co-exist quite regularly, don’t you think? I so appreciate your kind words, and I hope you stay in touch. I know you’ve been doing marvellous things!
      Much love xx

  4. Dear Malini,

    I’ve followed your successes with your gorgeous ART and the classes you hold in your studio from afar.
    Tucson, Arizona to be precise.
    Your courage to have difficult conversations with yourself, and to leave the life you have created have resonated with me. You see, I found your Blog posts after my husband (Ron) passed and after your husband (Greg) passed.
    So, although I am most definitely not an artist who works with canvas and paint (mine is the printed word), I have always felt a connection with you. Almost as if we are traversing a similar path as we make our way through the new lives we found we had to create.
    Absolutely the VERY best to you; may these next steps find you in peace and clarity.

    1. Post

      Hello Cynthia,

      I am so honoured to ‘meet’ you over the interwebs! Thank you for your beautiful message, it warmed my heart. And I’m sorry you lost your Ron.

      I hope we get to meet in person one day. I appreciate your kind wishes, and sending so much love to you.

    1. Post

      Thank you Shahram. My translation of that is “the photographs are excellent and in person, it looks much better – fantastic” I appreciate that! Much love to you in Argentina, and your son was the one who made it all possible!

    1. Post
  5. No doubt you will find the next perfect place for you! And the new bathroom will be an fabulous selling point for whoever is looking at it.
    I’m just really sorry that I never got back to Perth the whole time you were in that beautiful house and studio to see it in person..

    Best wishes and lots of love.

    1. Post

      The new bathroom then spread it’s effects around the house to new toilets and a new kitchen!

      I hope you do make it bath to Perth one day Bryn, it’s a very different city to the one you left 🙂 And thank you for the warm words of support. Take care,


  6. Hi malani,
    Office yo know where your nxt studio will be as I’m planning on attending your art workshops for ages now.
    Hope your move is smooth and you fibd the next

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