Next week will mark the 5th anniversary of Greg’s passing. The 5th year without that peerless man, with whom I shared my life for nearly thirty years.
Each time his anniversary approaches, the memories throw me off balance, the grief becomes fresh, I lose my way a little and I have to reach out and find my way back to my strong centre, the one I never knew I had in the aftermath of his passing.
Life has a way of sending us Big Lessons. And they can be painful and hard to navigate.
I knew back then that his passing meant I was at the very threshold of change… but I had no clue how to cross it, or what was on the other side.
I lost my Gregory to cancer in 2014, and in the period that followed, I sought ways to find my self again … a self that I lost with his loss.
I tried a lot of things. Some worked, some not so much. (TIP: attempting to fill a hole in your spirit with many bowls of spicey noodles – DOES NOT work!)
The thing that I kept coming back to in the uncertain times was my creativity, even when I didn’t recognise it as such. And “kept coming back to” was really how it was, because a short while after Greg died, my beautiful Layla-dog died, my daughter Mary suddenly grew up and moved out of home (to England!). And then my lovely mummy died too.
Talk about losing my anchors.
Most of the time, finding something that worked happened without me actually noticing. But inadvertently, I was building new circuitry to help me navigate the darkness of grief by constantly creating things – new memories, images, journeys, essays, experiences.
And that’s how I worked out that my creativity was the greatest healer of my shattered self. The most powerful connection to the sacred within.
But what if you don’t think of yourself as an “artist”? Can you still use this tool? The good news is that everyone can and should. It’s a super-power in all humans and it’s super EASY to access – IF you have the right ingredients.
And what are these “ingredients”? In my opinion, there are really just two.
Firstly, we have to be CURIOUS about our creativity. Curiosity is the way we learn new things, without beating ourselves up for wearing those “L” plates!
Curiosity removes the anxiety around imperfection. It helps us lighten up about ourselves.
And secondly, we need a guide. Someone who understands the beginner’s mind and is willing to take our hand and guide us through the steps we can take to use that powerful creative force inside us.
After losing Greg, it took me awhile to find my centre again. And then after Mum died, again, more re-balancing. But each time, I did.
I now believe that finding our way back is a process. We have just to keep doing over and over again. And our creative force is a powerful fuel for this process.
You may not have suffered some Great Loss as I did. Or you may be battling a far more difficult challenge. Loss comes in so many forms. As humans we are constantly changing and adapting, and yet, even the loss of our “old selves” can be hard to get our head and heart around.
My upcoming art workshop, FINDING YOUR WAY HOME, was created in direct response to my Great Loss. I brought together a series of sweet, simple activities that sprang from that period to help others find their way back to their centre – that strong core – no matter what life is throwing at them.
As you listen to stories from my own journey, you will probably find universal threads that you can relate to. And as I guide you to take that thread and turn it into paint, it’s breathtakingly fun and exciting to watch your paintings unfold, (all nine of them) as we build up layers of colour, texture, text and meaning! Yes, you read correctly, NINE paintings! You’ll amaze yourself 🙂
This once-a-year event is my best guide on finding balance and stability after the adversity I experienced, using art and reflection (and as a special BONUS … a very beautiful yoga session). One that doesn’t require ANY art experience. Beginners are my favourite, you haven’t had the chance to have your creativity quashed by your inner critic! And the stunning location by the Swan River in Perth just melts my heart each time I’m there.
Watch the short video. Look at the art. If it calls to your heart then I’d love to meet you there (or meet you again) and share this intimate, fun, powerful creative adventure together as I show you how to harness your superpower – Creativity – and take a journey into FINDING YOUR WAY HOME.
Date: 6-7 July, 2019
Where: 1, The Strand, Applecross, Perth, Western Australia.
The View: The Swan River. The city skyline over the water. Maybe some dolphins. Lots of seagulls. Lovely art being created around you. A huge pile of chocolate nearby (often noted as the best part!)
Cost: $595 (full price) $550 (Early Bird) $525 (each, if you come with a friend).
Places Left: 5 as we speak.
The SUPER GOOD NEWS: In memory of my lovely mummy (who was the MOST generous person ever) and Mother’s Day this weekend, I’m taking $100 off the full price for the next three days only. So you can come all experience all this goodness for just $495, AND as an extra Mother’s Day Gift from me, have lifetime access to the e-course version of this workshop (value $147)! **
**This offer expires on Sunday May 12 evening. And you can only get it by emailing me here.
I would love to share this journey with you.
“Imagine a stunning river setting, an inspiring woman teaching us how to create our own set of nine paintings, new friends, a soundtrack of gorgeous jazz & contemporary music, mindful gentle yoga, all weaved together with a backdrop of heart-felt tender inspiring stories of finding joy in hardship … AND CHOCOLATE !!! This was such a delightful & special journey for me to revel and find acceptance in the beauty and tenderness of my inner world – the good, the bad, the ugly – through the process of making the most delicious gorgeous art with the divine Malini Parker. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!” -Katie Lee-Gee, from last year’s workshop.

Comments 4
You will love it. I recommend jumping at the chance to do that workshop.
If you are lucky, you may even sense the presence of Greg and her mum enjoying it with you!
Thank you, it was an awesome privilege having you at this workshop a few years ago!
Wow! Mal, such amazingness all wrapped up in a weekend.
It sounds healing and luscious.
Thank you, it definitely hits the spot in so many ways 🙂 I love being there in the company of the beautiful souls that come.