At the start of every year, I get a little enthusiastic about the promise of A New Year-New Me. I say yes to anyone who is offering me ways to reflect on the past and plan for the future.
So, now I have a folder on my desktop of things to ponder and plan, most of which I won’t actually get around to pondering and planning.
But here’s one that has stood out for me, from Linda Kavelin-Popov, Co-Founder of the Virtues Project.
“Looking back to the past year, what were the strength virtues and growth virtues that arose? What virtues are needed in your life now and which ones can you stand on as you create your new narrative?”
I thought about both questions for awhile …
… and then I gave up.
Frankly, 2024 was a blur. It swirled around me and past me and disappeared in the blink of an eye. It started with a car crash on Jan 2. And then it proceeded to move at the speed of a car crash.
I made Big Decisions. Like deciding 2024 was the last year I would be living in the Perth Hills, the last year working in my beautiful studio, the last year looking out over a forest every, single day.
It was a Year of Change. I renovated, redecorated, sold, searched, found, and then renovated and redecorated all over again.
In the process I took the longest break from teaching that I have since I began this work 14 years ago. And I didn’t hold an exhibition. Instead, my creativity and energy were poured into the massive projects of renovating and for much of the time, living with the uncertainty of not knowing where I would end up.
My search for a new home could only begin after I sold my old one. The housing market was at the peak of it’s craziest time when I was looking, so it was an unpleasant process to say the least.
I viewed almost 50 houses. All the time wondering … was my absolute certitude that this was NOT The One within 20 seconds of stepping into each house was based on actual insight and intuition, or just extreme fussiness?
Ironically, the house I finally did buy was the ugliest one by far. But there was something about its neglected ugliness that spoke to me, like the ugly stage of a painting that JUST ISN’T WORKING. I know that if I keep painting, a treasured piece of art usually emerges.
This is what Ugly House looked like when I bought it.
The purchase of Ugly House also coincided with an Ugly Period in my personal life, when a Loved One, already in severely compromised, chronic ill health, was dealt a massive, horrifying blow. So, much of the restoration of Ugly House was carried out while crying or caring for Loved One. It was a juggling act, but it was also laden with metaphor, and I chose to draw strength from the symbolism of renewal at this most painful time in our lives.
After pouring love and attention on Ugly House … this happened.
Ugly-House-No-Longer is my reminder that everything has the potential to be transformed. It might take time, patience, hope, trust, lots of help from others, and a sprinkling of fairy dust, but it can happen.
Back to Linda’s question: What were the strength virtues and growth virtues that arose in 2024?
Honestly, all I could see were images of me walking a tightrope – while juggling several balls, all of the slippery. So, I asked my friend Kerry if ‘juggling’ was a virtue, and could she please help me answer Linda’s question?
Kerry has been my safety net for much of this tightrope-walking-juggling-act. She warmed my heart by pointing out a whole bunch of virtues I drew upon in 2024: Flexibility, Purposefulness, Initiative, Trust, Compassion, Prayerfulness, Detachment, and Loving-Kindness. Her observations made my eyes well up. They gave me strength to approach this new year with Hope.
Sometimes we just need a Safety Net friend, to remind us of who we actually are, beneath the fear and uncertainty and slimy balls we are constantly trying to keep in the air!
I believe 2025 will be a Momentous Year.
Why ? Because I now realise that every single year is momentous. Every year that we are alive is a gift, another chance to begin anew. That, right there, is momentous, a gift to be received with grace.
As for Linda’s second question: ‘What virtues are needed in your life now and which ones can you stand on as you create your new narrative?”
Dare I choose Joy?
And perhaps I’ll make Adventure a virtue!
With love and hope for your joy-filled, adventure-laden 2025,
PS I love hearing from you! Scroll down and say hi
PPS If you’d like to adventure with me into your creativity in 2025, come join one of 3 workshops that I’m running in February, March and April in Perth, Western Australia. They are One Day Intensives, and unimaginably named “PAINTING FOR BEGINNERS”, as they are geared towards beginners. But ALL peeps are welcome, as long as you are interested in immersing yourself in your creativity (no matter how dormant it is!) and you are over 18 (my workshops are geared towards adult learning). You don’t need to have EVER picked up a paintbrush in your life. I will show you have to create unique, textured, abstract pieces, give you lots of attention, love and chocolate, and provide ALL the materials. You will leave at the end of a Big Day with four paintings you made, a ton of notes, a spinning head and tired body, but I believe you will be happier for it. Most people are!
“Thank you for a lovely day – I loved the energy, passion and laughter you brought to the day. I also enjoyed the personal stories you shared which had such meaning when creating art and appreciating in living in the moment.” – Lisette
Comments 24
Lovely musings Mal
Thank you for being a loyal reader, Yvonne, I appreciate your support and companionship! x
Thankyou for taking us homeless wanderers into your Beautiful Home and being our literal safety net!!!
Awww what a lovely thing to say! My home is your home! xxx
I think it’s full name Ugly-House-No-Longer
HA HA!! you’re so right Carmel! UH-NOL for short?!
You continue to be a huge inspiration to me Malini Thanks so much for sharing your journey with us all. I LOVE your new home!
Fiona dear, I appreciate your beautiful words, and warm heart. You’ve been such a loyal reader for so long, and I LOVE hearing from you, thank you so much. Come visit me in Perth one day!! xx
Very inspiring, thank you for sharing your journey with us. Love the house transformation, its beautiful.
Thank you Zar, you have been SUCH a help to me!! It made the transformation possible! xx
Such amazing thoughts have flowed from your ugly house! Mal, if you cld not find strength virtues in you, it’s a PUZZLEMENT! I so often reflect on the prickly balls you’re juggling and wonder how you do it. Bless Kerry for being there, and come on, 2025!
Awww thank you so much! Bless YOU and my other wonderful sisters for always being there for me. You are part of the fairy dust.
What a transformation! And thank you for sharing your insights and life lessons
Thank you for reading and replying all the way in ARGENTINA!! xx
Hi Malini
Congratulations on your new adventure and braving the unknown.
I’m super excited to be doing another Art Workshop with you next month.
2025 is going to be amazing xx
Hi Angela, so happy you’re coming along in February to my workshop! And thank you for your kind words, I appreciate them greatly
Oh Mal, I’m really looking forward to reconnecting with you this year. Now that I’ve read about everything you went through last year, it explains why you seemed so… absent? But now I see that you were buried and germinating like a seed. I look forward to seeing the new blooms when you’re ready to share them
I’m honoured that you noticed my absence online! IN this busy world, with so much noise, it’s easy miss when someone goes quiet. Germinating is a lovely metaphor! Much love to you and hope you are blossoming! xx
No doubts it was insight and intuition Malini Parker. You showed a mighty trust.
Thank you for being my safety net too. What a trapeze walk 2024 was. Daring to choose joy with you in 2025.
aaah my SF friend! We will walk that tightrope with joy… and maybe it will turn into a lovely paved road
Pretty House is so lovely, we can’t wait to see you in it, much love to you and all you have achieved in 2024, a joy filled year of adventure I’m sure is in store for you
Thank you, thank you! And to you too! Let’s hope 2025 flows with grace and ease for us… no matter what bumpy bits and tightropes we have to navigate. You’ve been a tower of support, lovely one. xx
Dear Malini I love reading your musings, the ugly house has been transformed, well done in such a short time. May your new home be full of love, laughter, good health & many, many blessings.
Lots of love xx
Thank you Maxine, I hope so too! I appreciate your loving wishes
I hope 2025 is a beautiful year for you xx