Hello, I'm Malini. Here's where I share my stories of creativity and life's lessons.
I hope you find inspiration for your own journey!
Do I want to just forget this year? Hell no.
“To paint a leaf, you have to sacrifice the whole landscape. It might seem like you’re limiting yourself at first, but after a while you realise that having a quarter-of-an-inch …
Time is the Fire
I sat with my mother on the sofa and we both admired the fire. Mum said, “Quick, take a photograph of it, Malini! It’s so beautiful!” “Why don’t you take the …
Someday I'll Fly
So I’m in my shed today, and I’m painting the walls. It’s the final stage of turning this rusty old garage into a studio space, a place where I can make …
A Letter to Mary on Father’s Day
Dear Mary, This is more than likely going to horrify you, being the intensely private person that you are. But on your first Father’s Day without Dad, I thought I …
Brown Paper Packages Tied Up with String
For the past three weeks, I have spent an awful lot of time coughing, being very very sick and then getting sick again. All this time in bed was interesting. …
Remembering Who Needs a Pat Most
My little black dog Layla is getting old. She’s also a bit smelly, even after a bath. (What can I say? Body odour happens). Layla has a lovely personality. She …
Catching my breath
A pleasant young man casually tells us to place our feet on the green line and wait for the chairlift to come around. We sit on the swinging seat as …
He's Gone.
My husband Greg passed away on Friday May 16th at 8.07pm. It was just four years short of the day he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. The actual moment was …
Has he stumbled upon a secret key?
“When we let art out, we let love in.” K.R.Roberts Many years ago, I spent my days pulling my hair out over the statistical analysis of clinical trials. Yep, you …
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