5 Reasons why I should never have become an artist

Malini Parker

  1. NOTHING ELSE EVER GETS DONE WHEN I’M PAINTING. It starts off just fine. I long to paint, then I get to paint, then I think “aaaah, this feels SO fine, why did I wait so long to do this?” then I Just. Can’t. Stop. This means the family has dinner at 10pm if they’re lucky and the dogs are beside themselves, cos if we don’t eat, they don’t eat.
  2. ALL MY CLOTHES ARE RUINED. I pretty much wear the same thing all the time. So I paint in whatever I’m wearing, and now, all my clothes have paint on them. Including the very lovely (hand me down) Versace black leather jacket I was wearing when I got home just now and suddenly started painting.
  3. I NO LONGER SLEEP. Painting wakes my brain up. I mean really wakes my brain up. And because of no. 1 above, when I paint, I keep painting… then I suddenly realise it’s 1 am and I turned the electric blanket on 3 hours ago and now I’ve got paint on my pyjamas, and my brain just won’t switch off. I know, I just shouldn’t paint at night (see no. 1 above).
  4. NO HOUSE IS EVER BIG ENOUGH FOR ME. I whinge and whine about not having a proper studio space to paint, but the truth is, no matter how large my space is, I will always need more space. We lived in a 3 storey house with panoramic views of the hills and the ocean when I first started painting thirteen years ago. It was huge, but the entire floor area of the house (and the dining room table and my study and all the walls and under the bed) were always covered in my arty crap.
  5. I LOVE PAINTING MORE THAN I LOVE EVERYTHING ELSE (yes, I mean everything else). When Mary was little she said to me, “mummy do you love your art more than you love me?” Yep, being an artist has made me a lousy mother and wife and friend and I love painting so much that I actually don’t paint very often, so that I can hang on to my husband, family and friends.

Don’t become an artist 🙂

Comments 38

  1. You could have written that exact post for me….everything above I do too! TOTALLY relate!! I think the problem is that the words artist and balance do not equate with each other. Come to think of it neither does artist with family. The irony is that if you are like me, my family is the major reason I refound my art and am able to enjoy it so. I am really wanting to paint right now but hubby has asked me to sit with him in the lounge tonight. *Sigh, will have to keep him happy. Good luck juggling your balance! 🙂

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    Hey sweetie, I knew you would relate 🙂 Every artist has this slightly mad side, I think…and as mothers, we kind of have to keep going anyway, and do all the ‘normal’ things, when really, all we want to do is make art.

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  3. Hi Malini,
    Thankyou for sharing this. I can soooo relate to all of that, and here I was thinking I was the only one. I hope one day I can attend one of your workshops, until then, I`ll just keep enjoying your posts and entries.

    Love and Gratitude

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      Esmeralda, I hope you can too! If not, we will meet online on my e-course 🙂 Thank you for the kind words and I’m glad you’ve found a kindred spirit!

  4. Amen, sister, a house is never big enough. I am working on a table outside as my “craft room” filled up with stuff & now there is no room for me….. Thank you for sharing a common feeling & mutual problem including that family thing…

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      Yes, we should form a club called ‘Women Who Can No Longer Look After Their Families Because They Are Making Art’ 🙂

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      Hello Chris!
      Clay was my very first love in art. Oh the joys of sticking one’s hands in dirt all day long. bliss!

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      yes, no. 5 was a totally true story. Mary was 9 years old and couldn’t understand what had come over me 🙂 She laughs about it now that she’s 21 (but I’m still useless at Domestic Goddessing)

  5. Let me think…..My flat looks like a bomb site, my clothes are covered in splashes of paint, the little one reminds me that he is on holiday and not getting enough love/meals/mummy time….Yes, I think I’ll take a membership to that club! Thank you for your post, I feel better about the above!

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  6. You are not only an amazing artist but a soul writer. You totally captured my feelings and thoughts that usually swirl in my head most of the time I am painting! I even have paint on some of my pots and pans in my kitchen and on the handle of my fridge! What a wonderful sister hood of women we belong to! Women of the Brush!!! hah Hugs and thanks for writing this! I am a new fan and will list you in my blog roll today.Cathee

    1. Post

      Why thank you, Cathee, that is such a beautiful compliment, what kind words you honour me with. We are a wonderful sisterhood of women (although I am happy to include some brothers, uncles and fathers!). And I had paint on my hands when I was writing the post!

  7. Wow, that is spot on. Love your insights and so true. Makes me feel so much better hearing someone else say it, I don’t have to feel so guilty now. I sometimes wonder what my life would be like without my art, I would have so much more time for the things others do, but I am always longer to do art. Thank you Malini, that was beautiful and funny.

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      I feel so much better for having gotten it out there– the response from others has made me feel that I’m just like everyone else!! Thank you for your kind words, Lisa, I’m glad you found it humorous as we really need to laugh at ourselves as artists 🙂

  8. Malini,
    Keep the humor coming, please!
    I can relate to everything but the kids part,
    although I do have to schedule painting
    time around two impatient pups! 🙂

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      Hello Kandy
      I have 2 impatient dogs as well 🙂 And when I paint and they don’t get fed on time, they certainly let me know 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the post!

  9. You didn’t become an artist, you were born an artist. This is part of the package! All my family members understand this and constantly step over boxes of clay, canvasas and whatever art stuff that happens to be out at the moment, a room can not contain the creativity and it spreads throughout the house like a food of love. 🙂 I believe it is actually what draws others to us. (ok the children just have to endure, but know they are much better for it!) Blessings on you!

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  10. This is so great Malini. I relate to our house not being big enough. I feel like I’m invading so much space, between painting, creativity, and a sacred space… let alone everything else I want to do and everywhere that I want to be. lol Loved your blog. xo

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      Thank you Suzanne – yes, we can be ‘space invaders’ 🙂 But I’m sure the ‘spread’ you have is beautiful and loving and gorgeous like yourself!

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  11. Thanks so so much Malini – I don’t have anywhere to paint in my house so I paint in the dining room (live alone and have no friends so no one ever uses it!!) BUT I have paint on the floor tiles, paint on all my clothes – I’m like you – suddenly a painting fit will take over and I just do dabs here and there —- and the other day the lawn mower man told me I always had paint in my hair —!!!!!! I don’t want to go to work — ah well, now I don’t feel bad at all….you’ve made my day…..x

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      Marilyn, I sympathise 🙂 I remember apologising to my massage therapist for the paint on my hands and arms that day and she said to me with a chuckle, “Malini you ALWAYS have paint – ALL over you!” you’d think I painted without clothes on (which I don’t!!). I know exactly what you mean about the ‘painting fit’ too. Sounds nuts but they happen, and the worst thing is when they happen late at night. Goodbye sleep!!

    1. Post

      Hey Kel, I was thinking about you and writing… this crazy craziness must apply across the board to ALL creative pursuits 🙂

  12. Not an artist but a knitter. but have similar problems as cupboards seem full of wool (the stash) and seem to keep buying more, and yet knit most of it up.
    But life too short and have so much to do (socks, gloves, baby blankets, supper cloths, jumpers and even a wedding dress once – which bride returned to meand is carefully stored!) etc. etc Just gotta keep going at it at every possible moment, including meetings where it may seem inappropriate, but people have got used to me doing it!
    Never was a domestic goddess – just a manger (of dear hubby)
    Thank you malini into putting it into words for so many of us.

    1. Post

      Hello there Robin
      I’m very familiar with your knitting mania and have been the happy recipient of some treasures from your hands 🙂 Aren’t we all very silly, but how fun is it to make beautiful things ?!

  13. Hi Malini,
    It is fascinating reading your post,Blog? and I enjoy seeing your artwork. Just stunning.
    I have a bit of a talent for drawing and illustration, which I do once in a blue moon, and people think I’m an artist, ha, ha. I guess I would be if I had just 10% of your Passion and motivation. My daughter Astrid tells me how much she enjoyed learning about art and actually producing art in your workshop.
    Keep up that wonderful work and I wish you well,

    1. Post

      Hello there Hartwig, thank you for your kind words. I’m sure you are a fantastic artist! Astrid is such a beautiful soul, I was honoured to have her in my class! keep making art 🙂

  14. I feel much better about feeling like my massive studio isn’t big enough now! I hear you on the clothes thing; I have decided it just makes me look artistic and interesting. 🙂 {And not just like a messy slob who only wears a few outfits!} And all I can say is it’s a good job I don’t have a family!! 😉

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      oh I DO wish I had a massive studio…(very jealous!!) But in the end, we just keep spreading out anyway, or so I tell myself.

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