How could I have guessed that as a young girl of twenty four, marrying Greg Parker would turn my little life into some kind of epic Drama-Sitcom-Musical-Circus?! Twenty-eight years with you, young Parker, and I can certainly say that none of it has been boring. At each anniversary we used to joke that there was another ‘long, hard, painful year’ behind us. But really, they have been short years. And mostly easy and fun 🙂
What an adventure.
We’ve walked the walls of old Jerusalem, watched the Greatest Name being raised in the Lotus Temple. We’ve been cheated by taxi drivers in India and prayed side by side at the Sacred Threshold in Bahji. We’ve crossed the Nullarbor on a train with a 7 month old baby. Sung at the Sydney Opera House with Seals and Crofts. Been on TV together – twice! We’ve slept under the stars, kayaked and biked and tented (seems hard to believe, but we were younger and I was less picky!), snorkelled in Greens Pool, Western Australia and in the Pacific Ocean off Fiji. Beautiful caves, wonderful mountains, silent forests, raging seas.
We’ve sung in Folk Clubs, Weddings, Churches, Concerts, Conferences, Fields, Nursing Homes, Houses of Worship. We’ve shared our Faith in song and story – just you, me and a guitar – at countless intimate gatherings. And then there were those Very Big Productions, which started with The Face of Glory and ended with a meeting of hearts.
We’ve watched countless repeats of our favourite movies and TV episodes and laughed and cried and debated through many of them. We’ve shared the gift of friendship with remarkable people who’ve shaped our marriage with their love and shaped us with their kindness.
You brought Rachel into my life. And we brought Mary into this world together. Two remarkable women, as different as you and I. We are so proud of them! And you can be proud of this: During those nearly three days of labour it took to birth Mary, it seemed to me like you NEVER left my side. I remember thinking as I finally pushed her out, “when did Greg pee in all these days?” When they placed Mary on my belly, we wept together, me stupidly exclaiming, “Oh my God, it really IS a baby!”
Journeying with you has been fun, entertaining, educational and inspirational, but it has also been vexing, annoying and exhausting! It’s hard to keep up with a burning meteor. One has to just take a deep breath and trust.
Twenty-eight years ago I knew I was marrying someone who would walk through the fire for me…indeed for almost anyone.
I knew I was marrying a man of courage, faith and righteousness. (But I didn’t know that I’d one day be sharing you with so many people who love you – you’re pretty much a public figure!) Or that I’d learn so much from you – about living, about dying, about Grace.
If one were to measure a life by how much you are loved, then Parker Boy, you’ve done good 🙂
With love from your wifey,
I actually wrote this letter to Greg on the fortieth anniversary of the day he joined the Baha’i community. He called it his ‘Baha’i Birthday’ and it was an important milestone for Greg, marking a moment in time when he dedicated his life to the service of humanity.
Greg and I were married for nearly three decades, before he passed away on May 16, 2014, just three weeks after I wrote this letter to him. It was accompanied by messages from his loved ones and admirers, compiled into a beautiful ‘Living Tribute’ book called How Do You Measure A Life. You are welcome to read it here.
I am so thankful that Greg received the tributes that poured in from around the world before he died. They encircled his beautiful heart with love in his last days.
Today, Jan 24th, 2015, would have been his 60th birthday.

From Our Hearts To Yours, Greg’s Last Concert, March 22, 2014.
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Comments 14
this is a truly beautiful letter.
You must have been blessed to have had Greg in your life.
Enjoy your memories.
Thank you Cathryn, you are right, I was truly blessed.
Tears again, dear Malini! I shed copious amounts, as, although I din’t know greg for anywhere near as long as you, he indeed was a special person to know and love. And weren’t you the lucky one to share almost half of it.
He will be remembered far and wide for many years for all his talents, but this year especially as his choir carries on without the great conductor!
Sending much love to both of you
Yes dear Robin, tomorrow we honour two of his most loved and cherished things – Australia and The New Era Choir, at our first performance without him. How fitting it is for Australia Day! Thank you for your constant and loving support. x
Beautiful, dear Mal… Our little family gathered to say some prayers & to remember Uncle Greg on his birthday. “We will on your behalf prayerfully offer up supplications of love.” Much love…
Thank you so much for that dear Zar. I really appreciate your beautiful message and the prayers.xox
Beautiful, Smum. I love that letter. Special day. Always hard and so so beautiful too reading your posts. lovely. Hard to know how to feel today. Thoughtful but content enough I think. Love
Yes my dear Sdortr … it is hard to know how to feel. Reminding myself constantly that we are the fortunate ones to have had the Burning Meteor that was your dad in our lives, even if it wasn’t for as long as we thought we would. So much love xox
Truly beautiful Malini. Profound love never dies. xo
Thank you Suzanne. You’re so right. x
And Malini, Greg was equally luck and blessed to have you beside him all he way to love and support him on his meteoric journey!
Thank you Bryn, that is sweet of you to say that. Lovely to see your name and sending love across the seas…
Dear Malini,
What a wonderful memory you have of him. Thanks for sharing it with us. What a great man to have in your life. I love your blog it’s beautiful!
Thank you Chandra, how lovely to see you here! He was an amazing man, and I was more fortunate than I knew. much love x